Tanisha O'Donoghue

Over the last 6 years, Tanisha O’Donoghue has been on an upward climb in the Cyber Security Space. The Guyanese native resides in the Washington, DC area and works on the Information Security Compliance team at Tyler Technologies, assisting with policy management, audits, and risk management. Tanisha’s career experience has included incident response/recovery, vulnerability management, risk management, and compliance. She is the Director of Policy and Procedures at BlackGirlsHack, a nonprofit organization that provides resources, training, mentoring, and opportunities to black women to increase representation and diversity in the cyber security field.


Take Your Security Skills From Good to Better to Best!
Neumann Lim (scsideath), Tanisha O'Donoghue, Ricky Banda, Kimberly Mentzell, Tracy Z. Maleeff

Why dwell in the lobby of the Security field when you could be enjoying the view from the penthouse? Get insight from our esteemed panel on how to stay up to date on hacker news, increase your technical skills, and be aware of opportunities for professional development. Our panel will also discuss the importance of sending that elevator back down to help others so that our entire industry can grow and thrive, just like you will. Open up your ears and your mind and enjoy the gems that will be dropped.

Main Stage (In-person)